Monday, July 27, 2009

taking chance on happiness

Yet, everybody in this face of the earth is seek for it,
trying to achieve it in any possible way, even put a fight upon it
And sometimes they take someone elses lives just on its behalf
They lie upon it, crying upon it and not few people actually die
On the name of it...
Not so many people really taking chance on it.
Some just put this grandure idea of it in a tiny box and
Locked it safe, its so safe that some just lost it inside him self
And yet... How ironic it is,
Some people die upon it, and some just gave it away, lost it and
Never even wanted to taking a chance on it.

taking chance on happiness

Yet, everybody in this face of the earth is seek for it,
trying to achieve it in any possible way, even put a fight upon it
And sometimes they take someone elses lives just on its behalf
They lie upon it, crying upon it and not few people actually die
On the name of it...
Not so many people really taking chance on it.
Some just put this grandure idea of it in a tiny box and
Locked it safe, its so safe that some just lost it inside him self
And yet... How ironic it is,
Some people die upon it, and some just gave it away, lost it and
Never even wanted to taking a chance on it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pasangan Jiwa

ketika ia merasuk reguh kedalam tempayan madu berisi candu
lalu terhuyung lemas aku menari diatas bantalan2 mimpi
mabuk bak lalat yang sedang berpesta diatas gundukan sumpah serapah
ketika ia menangis ditepian sungai yang meranggas
meneteskan darah dibalik cadar putih
dalam genggaman ribuan janji-janji palsu
ah.. aku sudah tau
aku sudah tau..
aku sudah tau..
semua itu semu, fatamorgana, bayangan tanpa cahaya
bulan tanpa matahari, gaung tanpa suara..
lalu aku dibuatnya lemas tak berdaya
aku sudah tau ..
dengan segala pantulan cahaya disisi kananya
memancar wacana tanpa sebab, tanpa akibat, tanpa alasan pasti..
hanya sebongkah sekelibat masa ketika
pada saat kami "pernah" masih jadi satu...
ketika matahari terbenam di timur dan waktu adalah perdu-perdu berdaun tajam dipinggiran masa yang layu
aku sudah tau...
aku sudah tau...
aku sudah tau....